Blog Post

On Monday, November 18th, Max Kepler, starting right fielder for the Minnesota Twins, paid a visit to his former club, the Berlin Sluggers.

Before Max joined in the practice with our youth teams, a short presentation was made by the Sluggers’ press spokesman Oliver Knaack and club president Roman Rossberg, honouring Max and his playing days with the Sluggers. Max was a key player on several championship teams of the Sluggers, and still serves today as an inspiration for not only the Sluggers and Baseball in Berlin, but for all of Germany as well.

After the presentation, Max went to work with our kids on their fielding and throwing, giving tips to the coaches, as well as meeting the high demand for photos and autographs of the kids and his former teammates.

We can only imagine the hard work, sacrifice, and dedication it took for Max to achieve his dream. The Sluggers are honoured to have played a part in developing his love of the game and his skills, and are equally honoured by Max’s return ‘to the roots’, where it all began.

We wish Max continued success and look forward to welcoming him back after the 2020 season as a World Champion.

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